Angel Numbers. 2022.

Portals of Theseus is an exhibition of digital and hand-cut collage work by Lares Feliciano printed on and framed in aluminum. The title of the show refers to The Ship of Theseus, a thought experiment based on the Greek myth that poses the question “If an object has had all of its original components replaced over time, does it remain the same object?” This question is at the heart of collage as the medium exists to deconstruct and rebuild. But what is the purpose of collage if we are not interested in preserving the essence of the original in some way, shape, or form? Does the final object need to reflect its origins? Portals of Theseus presents a variety of collaged portals and worlds created from overlapping source material - maps, science textbooks, and old encyclopedias, to name a few. The exhibition encourages viewers to travel between each little universe and ask themselves “After years of learning, loss, and growth, do I remain the same?”

Portals of Theseus features a custom soundscape designed by Bothe Kretsigner.

Portals of Theseus is on view at Meow Wolf: Convergence Station through March 2023.